Celebrating All Things Ballard: Ballard High School Foundation Auction 

Celebrating All Things Ballard BBQ Salmon Dinner and Auction at Pacific Fishermen Shipyard: August 14th, 2025

The Celebrating All Things Ballard event has many ways you can support Ballard High School Athletics, Cheer, Dance Team, and Performing Arts through the August 1st-17th online auction and August 14th Salmon Dinner (in-person auction) event, with all donations going directly to those programs and teams.

You can now buy Salmon Barbecue Dinner tickets. Online auction registration and preview will be available in July 2025. 

Can’t make it to the dinner but would still like to make an easy donation to the Ballard High School team of your choice?

Preview Auction and Start Bidding Soon

Coming Summer 2025

Buy Aug. 14th Salmon Dinner Tickets

Register Now and Start Bidding Soon

Coming Summer 2025

How to Register Tip Sheet

Learn about BHS team participation!