The Golden Beavers

The official Ballard High School alumni association focused on providing scholarships to deserving Ballard High School seniors since 1988
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Ballard High School Golden Beaver Scholarship Recipients, 2023

Now a part of the Ballard High School Foundation

On July 1, 2020, the Golden Beavers Association merged with the Ballard High School Foundation. While they are now part of the Foundation, the Golden Beavers focus remains on providing scholarships annually to deserving Ballard High School seniors

Golden Beavers Scholarships

The Golden Beavers Scholarship Program is meant to stimulate, within the Ballard student body, the desire to achieve goals that prepare them for advanced education and/or training upon graduation.

As part of the Ballard High School Foundation, the Golden Beavers Scholarship Committee, co-chaired by Ryan Carlisle ’93 and Maggie Murphy Moffett ’69, will continue this tradition of generous support for Ballard High School students.


Support The Scholarship Fund

our students will thank you!

Ballard High School Foundation

P.O. Box 17626
Seattle WA 98127

A Rich History

The Golden Beavers Association was established in 1987 by the class of 1936, following their 50th Class Reunion. The first officers of the GBA were: President Don Adams ’36; Treasurer Cal Jorgenson ’36; Secretary Bernice Whiteley Anderson. Although started by the class of 1936, other classes also provided funds for the first scholarship awards.

Ballard High School Golden Beavers Past Presidents

Thank you to past presidents of the Ballard High School Golden Beavers, for you contributions, and for the legacy you have left.

Alan R. Hutchison ’53 2009-2011

Carol Ann Aplin Echols ’48* 2008-2009

Jack R. Lawson* ’52 2007-2008

Bill A. Burnett ’44* 2005-2007

Fred R. Strom ’50 2003-2005

Toby Perry ’47* 2001-2003

Lawrence “Tag” Christiensen ’41* 2000-2001

Lillian Raker Britain ’39* 1999-2000

Dan Hardman ’44* 1998-1999

Louis V. Larsen ’42* ’1997-1998

* Deceased

R. Keith Miller ’40* 1996-1997

Ellen Rundquist ’38* 1995-1996

Winifred Early Meier ’35* 1994-1995

Glen H. Neuman ’37* 1993-1994

Henry T. Simonson ’36* 1992-1993

Tena Vander Hoek Carver ’37* 1991-1992

Robert Tourtillotte ’36* 1990-1991

Ralph Peterson ’32* 1989-1990

Lee Bass ’37* 1988-1989

Ben Adams ’32*’ 1987-1988